This is one of the things I will include in my spoilee's package in the Fantasy Creature swap on the Odd Duck. We went to a local seed company's monthly festival yesterday (Baker Creek Seed Co. - they carry many heritage plant seeds) .... and I happened to score on 6 bird neck gourds. Had no clue what I'd do with them, but loved the necks & the shapes they had .... so what the heck, right? This morning I went looking for Phoenix patterns, not sure what I actually wanted except I wanted a Phoenix .... and happened across some tattoo flash .... and there was my Phoenix!
I printed out the flash, cut it out (very carefully!) and then glued it to the painted gourd. *Then* I went to town with 3D paints ... you really can't see much of the original bird anymore ::grins::
S/he has a glittery bead for the eye, set in blue 3D paint. I'm not sure you can see the gold glitter very well in the pictures, but it is there. This wasn't going to be the centerpiece of the package originally .... but it is now.
Now to put together a few more things for the package before mailing it out .....