I received my Reducio 8 mini sock swap yesterday ..... all the way from England! And was I ever spoiled!! You can see one shot of all my goodies, another of the really cool package Ron's contribution (candy!) came in, and the last shot is of the wonderful sock (in Gryff colors, of course!) and the mini Molly sweater as well as the 2 mini skeins of yarn.
The sock & the tiny Molly sweater would have made my day, all by themselves! They are so fantastic! The sock is so small I can barely fit my pinkie into the top of it. And as for the sweater ..... I fell in love with Molly's sweater the first time I saw it & now I have a tiny one of my very own to pet & fondle & show off.
Actually, I've got a trade in process to get a full size Molly sweater of my own - but that won't happen until next month. Until then, tho, I have something I can imagine with. And the yarn on this tiny model is so soft, I expect it to purr when I pet it!
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